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TrackTrack by Shibo

Gather playlists with less effort

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Whole List in One Tap

Whole List in One Tap

Tap Capture and TrackTrack will start listening, and every song played after will be added to list until you tap again to stop. Powered by Shazam, but consumes less power.1

Listen in Apple Music, Or Take The List

Listen in Apple Music, Or Take The List

Shazam takes you to Apple Music, but TrackTrack gives you choice: Tap to Apple Music, or share the playlist in a simple ”Title by Artist” text format.

Organize Your Lists, And Sync w/ iCloud

Organize Your Lists, And Sync w/ iCloud

Rename your list, remove songs, or get rid of the whole list. All changes are synced to iCloud, so you can access them on all your devices.